December 31, 2024

Wedding Booking

*Church decorations are assumed to be organised within an hour before the event, and cleared straight away after the event, if you have other arrangements, please add to the comments field.

*Wedding paperwork should start 4-6 weeks ahead of the wedding, please discuss the process with the celebrant priest.

*Deacons for the wedding, kindly organise with the celebrant priest.


You will receive an email 10 weeks before the wedding date to organise the payment.

Payment options:

1- In person payment can take place on Sundays, after the Arabic Holy Liturgy, paid to the Church Treasure Dr Amir Hanna.

2- Online payments via depositing the amount ($600) to the church account below, please add your name and details in the description.

Account name: St Mary & St Merkorious Orthodox Church

BSB: 062-199

Account number: 0090 5665

Please email back a screen shot of the receipt as a proof of payment (email: